Calculate intersect volume and create intersect geometry between selected elements and others.
It calculate intersect volume and create intersect geometry between selected elements and others.
Selected elements are available any shape and any category. (except mass category)
Other elements are calculated any category (except mass category) and visible in current view. (elements of revit link file are available)
Result shows list intersect elements information. (intersect element, file name, category, type, ID, intersect volume)
It can make intersect geometry to revit mass element. (mass component family)
You can get a part volume and geometry of your model. Don't need to divide model for it.
General Usage Instructions
1. Operate any 3D view.
2. Modify current 3D view visible.
- Only visible elements are calculated intersect.
- Revit link elements are also calculated except temporary hide. (recommend)
3. Select elements to use as targets.
- Any shape and any category is available except mass category.
- Recommend make target elements by Model In-Place of generic category.
4. Operate Add-in : Add-in tab -> RevitStore panel -> IntersectVolume
5. Result list
- Intersect elements information : intersect target element, file name, category, type, ID, intersect volume
- Grouping : zone(target), category, type, none
- Copy/Paste : select list and copy to clipboard (Ctrl+C) and paste to excel or notepad (Ctrl+V).
6. Error Check
- If error is occurred, error count will be shown in the button text.
- Click error button and paste it to notepad then error information will be shown.
- Error is usually because of geometry incorrect, so try re-create elements more carefully for correct shape.
7. Create Geometry with revit mass family.
- Click create button then mass family elements will be loaded and place at the position.
- Modify visible to show mass category.
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